Adam ElSharkawy.. A Role Model For Ambition

The film industry is bursting with excitement to a new rising star. Adam Elsharkawy has proven himself as a talented actor in just five years of self-discipline and hard work. He is mostly known for his role as Big Z in Le’bet Newton “Newton’s Cradle,” where he showed an outstanding performance and eventually became the actor we look forward to in future projects. Earlier, he worked on other successful projects that doubled his love for acting, and triggered him to pursue his passion. Today, Elsharkawy is ready to face any difficulties on his way to becoming one of the best actors. Perhaps, like his role model, Joaquin Phoenix!

Photographed by Cherine Shiha, Styed by Nada Hussam

Getting the ball rolling, Elsharkawy put on a lot of effort along the way and devoted himself to this profession, and for a more detailed description, he told Soul Arabia all about his journey to becoming an actor, what drew him to it, and how he plans to continue working in the business in the future.

Soul Arabia: Did you always know you wanted to be an actor?

Adam Elsharkawy: No, I think I first realized that I wanted to be an actor when I was about 20 years old. Before that, I was very into sports and was playing American football, and when I stopped I changed my path and took an acting class and that was the case. I love this and I’m sticking to it.

Soul Arabia: What inspired you to take the first step into acting?

Adam Elsharkawy: Growing up in the USA, I played American football  during college, and sports at this point is like a full-time job, which basically means you go to school and train. That was it! This is your life! When I stopped playing football in order to work and support myself financially, there was a bunch of free time, it made me think about exploring other things I wanted to do, like taking acting classes. After performing my first monologue, I liked the feeling and it was the first step on the road.

Adam wears Azza Fahmy Jewelry & Sweater from Calvin Klein- D Store Egypt

Soul Arabia: What are you looking forward to in your career?

Adam Elsharkawy: After Le’bet Newton, I would love to present more meaningful projects. I like the idea of having something or a character that sticks with people, so I guess just more meaningful projects and roles that can really leave an impact. Something that challenges me.

Soul Arabia: Speaking of motivation and role models, who do you think driven you to become an actor?

Adam Elsharkawy: Joaquin Phoenix, because he’s been there for so long. I think he’s been acting since he was 16 or 17, and he’s still doing it with great talent. Given all of that, the fact that he can be in this field for more than 20 years is pretty impressive to me. As for myself, I think I might switch to directing or producing later in the future.

Soul Arabia: How would you describe your journey?

Adam Elsharkawy I certainly learned a lot in the workshops, but I learned more in real life. My journey is about experiencing situations in life. For example, conveying the way I feel about a certain moment and putting it into my work. I kicked off with all my passion but not with any skill, however, I was ready to continue down that path, and it took me some time to develop the skills I needed to become an actor.

Soul Arabia: Has fame changed your personality?

Adam Elsharkawy: It didn’t change me much; I’m still the same guy. I have always been private and to myself. Fame didn’t affect me as much as I thought it would, it didn’t change my personality but kind of altered my lifestyle like when or where to go out.

Soul Arabia: Would you change anything about yourself to be a better actor?

Adam Elsharkawy: Of course, I’m still in the making of my acting career. I’ve only been doing this for 5 years, so I have a lot to get to grips with, especially since I’ve learned many things when I’m on the shooting set. I feel like I need to be more disciplined and put in more energy and time to get better.

Soul Arabia: Last Ramadan, you acted with prominent stars such as Mona Zaki and Mohamed Farag. Who would you like to participate in the next experience? Do you have such plans?

Adam Elsharkawy: I would say I want a project with good writing, good production, and good directing. It has more to do with what you put around the actors to make the project successful.

Soul Arabia: You are someone else’s role model, so how would you inspire them?

Adam Elsharkawy: Surround yourself with people who work towards their goals and people who work on themselves. Find your passion and work on it every day because this is the time when you feel the most fulfilled.

Yasmin Reda
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